At Carleton we recognize that research done by our undergraduate students is vitally important to our success as a research-intensive institution. This research also contributes data to scientific publications and presentations at conferences in Canada and around the world.

On April 10, 2019 undergraduate students had the opportunity to showcase their research during Faculty of Science Research Day,which took place in Fenn Lounge at Carleton. Posters were presented by 141 students from the departments and institutes of Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Food Science and Nutrition, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Health Science, Integrated Sciences, and Neuroscience. Awards were presented to students whose posters placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each discipline, as determined by a panel of judges from the respective unit.

Visit the Faculty’s Twitter account to view updates and to see pictures of the event shared by students, as well as the faculty members who were onsite to support and celebrate their students’ success.

Special thanks to all the students and faculty participating in this year’s Research Day, as well as the Institute of Environmental Science for organizing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 in ,
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