Science Capability

Overview: Using our peptide synthesis and array infrastructure, and our ability to functionally investigate protein interactions, we can synthesis custom peptide and peptide libraries, map epitopes and specificity for antibody/vaccine validation, and produce peptide arrays to accurately identify and quantify the molecular interactions.

Centre Capacity: Synthesis of custom peptides libraries and peptide arrays, biophysical/kinetic characterization of protein interactions, liquid handling infrastructure, tissue culture facilities, wet-bench sample preparation space and a fume hood.

Director: Dr. Kyle Biggar, Ph.D.

Industrial Application

Focus:  Life Sciences, Vaccine Development, Biopharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing

Project Examples: T-lymphocyte epitope mapping, Epitope selectivity and specificity of antibodies, Design and functional analysis of peptide-derived therapeutics, Synthesis of degenerate peptide libraries for inhibitor screening, Specificity and activity of kinase substrates, Characterization of protein recognition motifs by permutated/mutated peptide arrays.

Engagement types and co-funding

  • R&D partnerships (up to 80% cash contributions available)
  • Contract research and consulting
  • Fee-for-service testing
  • Industrial-partnered student internships (up to 50% cash contributions available)
  • Quality control analysis

Point of Contact: Jeff Smirle, Business Manager- Faculty of Science; 613-875-1355


Facility Details