
Overview: The Carleton University MicroFabrication Facility is a 3200ft2 cleanroom facility used for manufacturing silicon integrated circuits and other device materials in support of research on: process technology, device physics/modeling, innovative circuit techniques, photonics, biomedical devices, renewable energy (solar cells) and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS).

Faculty: Engineering Department: Electronics

Centre Capacity: Our cleanroom facility (class 100 – 10,000) in the Minto Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering building contains a wide variety of standard silicon microfabrication equipment and wetbenches.  Our lab is divided into four distinct areas : photolithography, photomask generation, furnace operations, and high vacuum processes.


  • Faculty Co-ordinator: Professor Garry Tarr
  • Facility/Operations Manager: Rob Vandusen
  • Lab technician : Angela McCormick
  • Equipment Technician: Richard Adams

Industrial Application

Focus:  Microelectronics, Microfabrication, Cleanroom research space.

Project Examples which have been produced: Silicon based photonic and lighting devices, Bio-medical devices, small scale solar cell device research, thin film coatings.

Engagement types and co-funding

  • R&D partnerships (up to 80% funding available through grants)
  • Contract research and consulting
  • For-fee tool /lab use
  • Industrial-partnered student internships (up to 50% funding available through grants)


Contact Information

Rob Vandusen, Facility Manager.
Phone: 613-520 2600 ext 5761.


Facility Details
