Annually the Faculty of Science may grant up to three (3) awards of $2,000 per year. The purpose of the Faculty of Science Research Awards is to recognize outstanding research within the last six years.  All Professors*, regardless of rank or stream, are encouraged to apply (contract instructors are not eligible). Note however that a Professor may only win the award once every five years. Recipients can choose to accept the award either as a research grant or as taxed income.

*We plan to award 3 awards: 1 award to Assistant Professors, 1 award to Associate Professors, and 1 award to Full Professors.

Application deadline is October 31: Submit online application here

To submit an application:

      1. Complete the online cover page that includes the applicant’s name, current rank, unit(s), email address, and a statement of inclusive research practices (how the applicant contributes to the promotion of equity, diversity, and inclusion in research) that is <350 words.
      2. Provide a two-page (12pt font, single spaced) narrative describing up to five of your most significant research contributions over the past six years. For each contribution, provide a description of its impact, significance to, and use by other researchers and/or end users. Describe your role for collaborative contributions. A contribution need not be a single publication or report, e.g., a group of publications on a subject could be presented as one contribution. Impact may include (but is not limited to): advancing knowledge, developing technology, addressing socio-economic or environmental needs, engaging in meaningful knowledge co-creation with Indigenous Peoples, or contributing to increased equity, diversity and inclusion in research and in society (Paraphrased from
        The Faculty of Science values all forms of research contributions including but not limited to those listed in NSERC’s Guidelines on the assessment of research contributions available here.
      3. Provide a one-page (12pt font, single spaced) narrative of your contributions to the training and mentoring of highly qualified personnel (HQP). Following NSERC, the assessment of past contributions to HQP training focuses on quality and impact and includes three components:
        1. Training environment: Describe research training and development opportunities provided to HQP (e.g., science outreach and engagement, interdisciplinary research, promoting EDI in the NSE, collaborations, interaction with the private and public sectors); also describe specific actions implemented to support equity, diversity and inclusion in recruitment practices, mentorship approaches, retention, and initiatives aimed at ensuring an equitable and inclusive research and training environment and trainee growth.
        2. HQP research contributions and awards: Describe research contributions by HQP (e.g., publications, patents, key presentations) and highlight awards, scholarships and fellowships won by HQP.
        3. Outcomes: Describe significant examples of HQP outcomes and how your training contributed to their success (e.g., skills and experiences gained, outcomes such as further studies or career).

Assessment Criteria

Assessment of contributions will be guided by the quality and impact indicators lists by NSERC for research here and training and mentoring here.