Sue Bertram
Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
The Associate Dean Faculty Affairs assumes broad, horizontal responsibilities delegated by the Dean and related to Faculty-wide processes, policies, and planning. Assists with managing the Faculty of Science’s human and financial resources, including support for, and oversight of, academic departments and ancillary units.
- Represents the Faculty of Science on committees
- Manages special projects related to the Faculty of Science’s overall strategic direction
- Works with the Dean, Associate Deans and units (academic and ancillary) on the development and implementation of Science’s Strategic Integrated Plan and other university-wide initiatives (i.e., Kinámágawin; the EDI Action Plan; Sustainability; and Accessibility)
- Provides advice and guidance to units in the development and renewal of their Tenure, Confirmation, and Promotion Guidelines
- Develops and implements mentoring programs for FOS faculty and instructors, Associate Deans and FOS Chairs and Directors
- Leads on academic hires, including the approval of hiring committees, job ads and meeting with short-listed candidates during the interview process
- Supports the Dean in strategic development of the decanal team mandates