2021 Research Achievement Award Recipients
The Carleton University Research Achievement Awards are administered by the Office of the Vice-President (Research and International). The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding research achievements. The awards were established in 1989 to enhance the quality of research and to recognize research excellence. The recipients’ terms run from May to April.
Prosenjit Bose
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
Project: Construction of Efficient Geometric Networks
Suppose that 1000 computers need to be connected in a network. A direct connection between every pair of computers requires about half a million connections! Given a limited budget that only allows 3000 pairs to be connected, how does one place these connections to construct a network that approximates the behaviour of the one with a half million connections? This simple example highlights the essence of the problems to be studied with this award.
Sonia Chiasson
School of Computer Science, Faculty of Science
Project: Understanding and Increasing Diversity in Computer Science
Our long-term goal is to improve our Computer Science programs and we wish to take an evidence-based research approach to understand the problem and assess the impact of any changes we undertake. With this project, we will collect baseline data through observation, surveys, interviews with students, TAs, staff, and faculty to assess our programs, then we will devise and implement strategies for improving retention, equity, diversity, and inclusivity within Computer Science at Carleton.
Hongyu Sun
Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Science
Project: Monitoring the Revolution of Sensitive Neurons in Early-Life Epilepsy
Despite greater understanding and better management, epilepsy continues to be a major problem in childhood and often results in serious long-term consequences. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify novel mechanisms and specific treatment strategies. It has become increasingly clear that neurons in the brain are very heterogeneous. Using a unique activity-dependent labeling and manipulation system, our team will precisely target and monitor the epilepsy-sensitive neurons and determine their molecular underpinnings in early-life epilepsy.
2021 Achievement Award Recipients
The following awards are administered by the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) and recognize outstanding teaching achievements.
Teaching Achievement Award
The Teaching Achievement Awards are intended to enhance the teaching of their recipients and the quality of instruction at Carleton.
Véronic Bézaire
Instructor III
Chemistry, Faculty of Science
Program-level ePortfolios in Chemistry: From Learning Outcome Assessment to Pedagogy
This project integrates reflective pedagogy with program assessment of learning outcomes using Carleton’s cuPortfolio. In identified checkpoint courses, students will perform cuPortfolio assignments designed to reflect holistically on one’s learning and achievement of program learning outcomes. This annual reflective exercise will increase student awareness of skills and competencies and help develop a professional identity during degree programs. cuPortfolios will facilitate assessment of program learning outcomes and support program improvement efforts.
Contract Instructor Teaching Awards
The Contract Instructor Teaching Awards recognize teaching excellence by Contract Instructors.
Andrew Robinson
Contract Instructor
Physics, Faculty of Science
I am interested in science pedagogy, and the historical development of science, and maintain a very interdisciplinary approach to my teaching. I try to reach out to the class by showing them where physics is useful to them in everyday life, and in their particular fields of study and interest. I also try to support students, as they transition from high school, to the university learning environment.
Professional Achievement Award
The Professional Achievement Awards recognize outstanding professional achievements at Carleton University for professional librarians and instructors.
Members of the Royal Society of Canada
Chancellor's Professors
Frank Dehne
Chancellor’s Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Jean-Guy Godin
Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Biology
John Oommen
Chancellor’s Professor, School of Computer Science
Evangelos Kranakis
Chancellor’s Professor, School of Computer Science
Lenore Fahrig
Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Biology
Gerald Buchanan
Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
Giorgio Ranalli
Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences
James Wright
Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
Distinguished Research Professors
Vlastimil Dlab
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Luis Ribes
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
John Dixon
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Mizanur Rahman
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Kenneth Williams
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Donald Dawson
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
J.N.K. Rao, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Nicola Santoro
Distinguished Research Professor, School of Computer Science
David Sinclair
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Physics