Advancing EDI is a journey with concrete actions taken along the way.

This toolkit is meant to provide ideas for instructors at different points on this journey, rather than a book to be read from end-to-end and implemented at once.

Sections 1 and 2 give ideas for your course outline and website, with pre-curated resources and readily-adaptable text.

Section 3 provides ideas for in the classroom.

Section 4: Consider an assignment question that broadens horizons.

Section 5: As you get more comfortable with EDI-related content, consider in-class activities with a strong EDI focus.

Section 6: Start to rethink your course and pedagogical approach (deeper learning, self-reflection). Learn more.

Explore the Toolkit

course outline

1. Course Outline

Ideas for your course outline, with pre-curated resources and readily-adaptable text.

course website

2. Course Website

Ideas for your website, with pre-curated resources and readily-adaptable text.

In the classroom

3. In the Classroom

Ideas for inside the classroom (values, actions, course materials).

Assignment Ideas

4. Assignment Ideas

Consider an assignment question that broadens horizons.

In class acitivites EDI

5. In-Class Activities

As you get more comfortable with EDI-related content, consider in-class activities with a strong EDI focus.

Ongoing learning

6. Ongoing Learning

Start to rethink your pedagogical approach (deeper learning, self-reflection).