The Faculty of Science gives out three (3) types of excellence awards (teaching, research, and impact). The Faculty of Science awards are open for self-nomination only, allowing individuals to highlight their own achievements and contributions. Our Faculty recognizes our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) by encouraging applicants to include their contribution to EDI in their application. The deadline to apply is October 31.

Applications will be adjudicated by a committee created by the Dean (typically Chairs, Directors, and Associate Deans). The committee will only use the submitted material in their assessment of the merits of the applicants; material extending beyond page limits will not be considered.

The assessment period differs for the awards. Applicants with eligible leaves of absence (e.g., medical, parental, eldercare) occurring during the assessment period should:

  • Indicate the type and duration of the leave
  • Extend the period of reporting by double the leave duration (e.g., 6 months leave within the last 2 years = report on last 3 years of research accomplishments)

Applicants/nominees with impacts that resulted in career slowdowns but not formal leaves of absence:

  • Briefly describe the circumstances and impact. Include the duration and percent reduction in time in this impact statement
  • Extend the period of reporting back by the impact duration multiplied by the percent time reduction (e.g., 50% research reduction over 2 years due to family caring responsibilities = 1 extra year added; 100% research reduction over 1 year resulting from the inability to do field work = 1 extra year added)

For leaves and career slowdowns, only state the nature of the circumstances (e.g., medical, bereavement, family responsibilities, special). No further details are required. Briefly include this information in the application.


Faculty of Science Excellence Awards

Faculty of Science Teaching Excellence Awards – Submit online application
At least one (1) award for faculty (at $2000 each) and one (1) award for contract instructors ($1000) may be awarded each year.

Faculty of Science Research Excellence Awards – Submit online application
At least (1) award at each rank (Assistant, Associate, and Full) of $2,000 may be awarded each year.

Faculty of Science Impact Awards – Submit online application
At least one (1) award of $2,000 to faculty (contract instructors are not eligible) may be awarded each year.

Details on criteria and application procedures can be found at the appropriate links: